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Postcard 23rd June ‘24: We are relocating to Denmark
After several attempts and nearly going mental, you and I will have to accept that this postcard is a bit all over the place. Since this is the only modus operandi my brain and body can adequately sustain this week.
As teased last Sunday, the past weekend and the beginning of the week were dedicated to decision-making. The decision will ultimately alter the next weeks, three years, and most likely beyond. Like any big life decision, I suppose. I have made some of them over the past few years (It is not becoming any easier; sorry to disappoint you here).
Enough of the cliffhanger (well, if you read the subtitle, there was not one): We decided that I will commence the PhD position I had successfully interviewed for over the past couple of weeks, and we will relocate the whole pack to Aarhus, Denmark.
That’s a subject matter and information-rich sentence. It’s a sentence. Let it sink in. Just phrasing it calls for a stylistic pause. A break.
And I know you have a zillion questions. But first, let’s go back to this anticipated break. It is the absolute opposite of how - at least I - FEEL after such a decision. Like, don’t you even dare to catch your breath in between! My brain goes straight into overdrive. Maybe because I am more sensitive and perfectionistic than others. Maybe it is simply normal in a situation like this. At least, I also know that I can use it to my advantage and make an organised plan to ensure we get it all managed as smoothly as possible (If you fail to plan, you plan to fail, don’t you? Taylor agrees!).
I know that eventually, there will be some time and space to take care of the emotional aspects. We have a vacation in September. That’s soon enough, isn’t it?! Well, probably not. But I am simply unable or willing to do it right now. And we want a postcard!
So, let me come up with a few questions that might be pondering your brain (I am drastically overestimating your interest in this chaos).
So what is this position about?
I am going to be a PhD candidate (PhD student) at the University of Aarhus in a research project that investigates shipping noise in the Bay of Aarhus and its impacts on harbour porpoises (”Schweinswale” in German). It is one of the smallest and super cute dolphin species. Over the next three years, I will be guided during scientific studies' design, conduction, analysis, and communication. I will be trained to become a (hopefully) skilled researcher. Being a PhD student is a mixture between an advanced university degree and an actual job position as an employee. Hence, in addition to the study deliverables (doing the above by writing three papers in a cohesive thesis), I will also take courses, spend 3 months at a different institution, and engage in other research work within the project and the department.
When will you start?
The official start will be in October, but I will already engage with the project and preparations in August and September.
When will you move?
We plan to move during the first two weeks of September.
Do you already know where you will live?
We managed to squeeze in some site visits with agents while we were in Denmark and have had two digital showings since we were back. We are close to deciding but want to do one more digital showing.
How is this going to work out with Sven’s job?
Fortunately, Sven works for a global Tech company and has been primarily working remotely. He will continue working for his current employer. We just have to clarify some tax and residency-related topics.
Wait. Move in September. We have end of June. This sounds pretty soooooon. Like HOW? What’s the plan here?
Are you serious? Tell me you are (a former) consultant and project manager married to a guy in tech management without telling me. Of course, there is a plan:
The best part is that I can now start spamming Sven with notifications!
Fun fact: I never liked budgeting, though. That’s why there is no budget (yet). So we do the classic software project type of “fix timeline, high expectations, constraint resources, no budget.”
It works a charm.
I’d be curious to hear if you have any further questions or what you’d be interested in reading about in the coming weeks! Let me know in the comments.
About this week’s postcard
On my desk
Still no new feedback from the editor about the review process of my first manuscript. Would love to have it out before fall!
We also drafted the idea for this week's small popular scientific article on underwater noise in the Arctic. A popular scientific article is a kind of science story you can read in magazines and discuss a specific topic in a more simplified way, usually around a bit of a story to make it relevant to everyone outside academia.
Research Jobs
While doing the above, I had my computer processing some of the audio data from Svalbard. Right now, it is a very repetitive task of telling the code which files to process in which way and then receiving .csv files as output, which again have to be tweaked by some more code. So I run it mainly on the side.
Fun fact: I am doing all this using my gaming computer due to its fantastic performance. Science is mostly about finding creative solutions.
On my ears, page or screen
I avoid talking about politics. Not because I am not interested in it. But because I feel that as a person who never really settles for a black-and-white picture but sees all the grey scales in between, it simply does not do me any good to do so. Further, I like to have a solid understanding, and I know that I do not have anything close to comprehensive political knowledge in general.
Non-German speakers can skip this, sorry 😟 Some time ago, I came across the Podcast by Paul Ronzheimer. And I came to enjoy the topics, guests and in-between-the-lines as a way to get a roundup of what is currently going on in Germany and the world whenever I feel like I can handle it. So this one is a chat about the recent results from the EU election:
Things that made me smile, laugh, think, cry or curse this week
Smile & laugh
Watching the lizards sunbath in the little “natural stone habitat” area at the park in our living area. It is my favourite spot for morning and lunch walkies with Molly.
The care of my ENT doctor and assistants. It is rare these days for a doctor’s office (despite being busy as a be hive) to still have a personal word, listen to you and try to connect the dots.
Having coffee with Sven at our favourite coffee place - and deciding to move to Denmark.
Following the comprehensive and easy-to-follow AI image course from our not-so-bored anymore Bored Millenial Marie Vandoorne. And to all the haters: It is an own skill of art in itself! Don’t worry. The core of my postcards will remain real-world picture postcards. But it has potential fun uses, especially with more story elements or scientific explanations!
This is the image
generated based on my ideas during the workshop! Already like it a lot. If you need me this weekend, I can’t. I am probably nerding around with AI images!Think
I am thinking a lot about how this next chapter will impact our relationship. Or better, What I can do to make it a chapter that benefits, supports, and deepens our marriage in the most loving, caring, and positive way.
’s post about toxic blame. Sharing his personal story is incredibly vulnerable, but the phrasing and perspective he finds around how guilt and shame can show and how to deal with it just hit a particular spot for me!
Cry & curse
Being stung by a bee 🐝. For the FIRST TIME IN 34 years. It hurt quite a lot at first but then it wasn’t too bad anymore. I just feel sorry for the poor bee that had to die because I was careless walking with my legs brushing alongside the lavender bushes.
The fact that my mind is as busy as the bees in the lavender bushes this week. I simply can’t focus on anything. Or how
described it more compassionately: I haven’t yet managed to focus again on anything.
Up next
After all the travelling and the business of the past weeks, I want to reintroduce a better structure for the coming weeks, which will hopefully help me get a bit more focused. Starting with mapping my “Time-Energy Areas and Time Blocking” to the suddenly shifted priorities in our life 🙂
Wow! Thank you sharing the behind the scenes of your journey will us. I kinda feel like your Sunday postcards are a new Netflix series that I found and now I can't wait for the next episode 😄 and thank you for asking what we would like to read about in the coming weeks. As I was reading this post, it got me thinking... I absolutely want to know more about Harbour Porpoises later on, but in the coming weeks I would be curious to know: How will this move work - like are you just taking what fits in your car or do you have to hire a moving company? Are you buying new furniture in Denmark, because I'd love to know how that process goes. Furniture shopping in a new country can be both really exciting and really frustration. Once you start packing and selling, what is the hardest thing (that you are most attached to) that you have to sell or get rid of due to the move? Anything that is really easy to get rid of? And how do you process the 'letting go' emotions of selling your items? I'd love to hear about your upcoming vacation in September! Like, how did you decide where to go for vacation, is it what you expected, was it more or less expensive than you thought it would be there, your favorite unexpected moments of joy or small things that made you smile? I'd love to know more about renovating your old it just a little touch-up painting or a major renovation? Either way, renovating and preparing a flat for moving is interesting to read about. Oh no, I hope your sinus issues get better! This might sound a little crazy, but as an American I'm always so fascinated to hear about how another country's medical system works. My mind has been completely blown with the medical system while being in South Korea, so I would be interested to know more about your medical did you have to pay out of pocket for your allergy test and CT or is that something that is covered by insurance or how does that work (you don't have to give numbers, just generally curious how the system works for you as a patient)? Cause in America I feel like that would be so expensive even with insurance (I mean, just paying to HAVE insurance is expensive haha). I would even be interested to know your perspective on the medical system in Germany vs Denmark once you've been there a while. Are they similar/comparable? Is there something you like better in one or the other? I loved the German podcast by the way. Just out of pure curiosity, I listened to about 10 minutes and didn't understand a single word 😂 but still cool! Oh, and I loved how you said you want to make this a chapter that benefits, supports, and deepens your marriage in the most loving, caring, and positive way. I would love to read about the little (or big) ways you find success in strengthening your marriage through this move and new adventure over the coming months (as much as you feel comfortable sharing). Oh and I would also like know more about how you prioritize all. the. things. Sudden shifts in our priorities can be such a struggle, but it happens to all of us, either by choice or by fate. Oh my, I'm sorry this comment is so long. I hope it helps give you some ideas about what readers may be interested in for your future posts! Sometimes what is normal or mundane to us is actually interesting to someone else who has never experienced it. And it's always nice to read about shared experiences that we all go through! 🧡
Always love reading your posts, and having the option to listen is such a great addition! 😊
And I really love all the things I'm learning from your posts, the fluid layout is great! Congrats on your position in Denmark, and best of luck with the move ❤ I can't wait to read/hear all about your new chapter!