Wow! Thank you sharing the behind the scenes of your journey will us. I kinda feel like your Sunday postcards are a new Netflix series that I found and now I can't wait for the next episode 😄 and thank you for asking what we would like to read about in the coming weeks. As I was reading this post, it got me thinking... I absolutely want to know more about Harbour Porpoises later on, but in the coming weeks I would be curious to know: How will this move work - like are you just taking what fits in your car or do you have to hire a moving company? Are you buying new furniture in Denmark, because I'd love to know how that process goes. Furniture shopping in a new country can be both really exciting and really frustration. Once you start packing and selling, what is the hardest thing (that you are most attached to) that you have to sell or get rid of due to the move? Anything that is really easy to get rid of? And how do you process the 'letting go' emotions of selling your items? I'd love to hear about your upcoming vacation in September! Like, how did you decide where to go for vacation, is it what you expected, was it more or less expensive than you thought it would be there, your favorite unexpected moments of joy or small things that made you smile? I'd love to know more about renovating your old flat..is it just a little touch-up painting or a major renovation? Either way, renovating and preparing a flat for moving is interesting to read about. Oh no, I hope your sinus issues get better! This might sound a little crazy, but as an American I'm always so fascinated to hear about how another country's medical system works. My mind has been completely blown with the medical system while being in South Korea, so I would be interested to know more about your medical system...like did you have to pay out of pocket for your allergy test and CT or is that something that is covered by insurance or how does that work (you don't have to give numbers, just generally curious how the system works for you as a patient)? Cause in America I feel like that would be so expensive even with insurance (I mean, just paying to HAVE insurance is expensive haha). I would even be interested to know your perspective on the medical system in Germany vs Denmark once you've been there a while. Are they similar/comparable? Is there something you like better in one or the other? I loved the German podcast by the way. Just out of pure curiosity, I listened to about 10 minutes and didn't understand a single word 😂 but still cool! Oh, and I loved how you said you want to make this a chapter that benefits, supports, and deepens your marriage in the most loving, caring, and positive way. I would love to read about the little (or big) ways you find success in strengthening your marriage through this move and new adventure over the coming months (as much as you feel comfortable sharing). Oh and I would also like know more about how you prioritize all. the. things. Sudden shifts in our priorities can be such a struggle, but it happens to all of us, either by choice or by fate. Oh my, I'm sorry this comment is so long. I hope it helps give you some ideas about what readers may be interested in for your future posts! Sometimes what is normal or mundane to us is actually interesting to someone else who has never experienced it. And it's always nice to read about shared experiences that we all go through! 🧡

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Ashley! I think this is by far the longest comment I have ever received. Can't believe you spend this much time on feedback and things you would be interested in! Thanks heaps! I will save this and get back whenever I am looking for inspiration on what to write about next.

And this one is huge: "Sometimes what is normal or mundane to us is actually interesting to someone else who has never experienced it" - so often I am afraid to overshare or talk about things no one is interested in anyways. But you are right, to someone, there is always something interesting in a perspective or tone it is presented - including the fact that you never know how much others might relate if you don't open up about a topic!

Thanks for this genious comment!

And to answer a first question: No, luckily, I did not have to pay for my head CT, but in contrast, I have to pay for all the tests and treatment of my IBS and Candida issues since it is a condition which is not (yet) recognised by German health insurances.

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Aww no problem at all! I didn't even know it was that long until I got to the end and I was surprised too 😄

Yes! I feel that way sometimes, like am I oversharing or is this boring? We go through our lives everyday so we are used to how we live, but we never know how someone might relate! It just takes one person to open up for the connection to be made.

Oh wow, that's so interesting about the insurance. I'm glad you didn't have to pay for the CT! I hope you start feeling better soon. I know how much it can affect even simple, small tasks when you're not feeling well.

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Jun 23Liked by Fabienne Mannherz

Always love reading your posts, and having the option to listen is such a great addition! 😊

And I really love all the things I'm learning from your posts, the fluid layout is great! Congrats on your position in Denmark, and best of luck with the move ❤ I can't wait to read/hear all about your new chapter!

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Thanks for your engagig comment and the feedback on the post features, Milena! 🥰

Can't wait to share as we continue the journey!

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Jun 23Liked by Fabienne Mannherz

I really like the style of your posts, Fabienne. Keep up the good work! 🤗🤍

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Makes me so happy to hear as my brain constantly keeps thinking what/if I should do something different ☺️

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Jun 23Liked by Fabienne Mannherz

I had the same feeling for the first few months but that’s a sign you‘re taking Substack seriously 🤗. I think the whole style / layout / content of your publication fit very well together! 🤍💪

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Aweee, I think I am going to surf on this amazing feedback into the new week 🏄🏻‍♀️🤙😍

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Jun 23Liked by Fabienne Mannherz

Aaa congrats on the position! LOVE your planning. You're probably the total opposite of me in that respect but it does look incredibly pleasing (and practical)!

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Thank you - for both, the congratulations and your kind comment!

Well, I think that without this part of me that loves structure, I would be all over the place with my heart and soul jumping on anything that sparks the tiniest curiosity for them 🤣

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Jun 23Liked by Fabienne Mannherz

Wow that sounds like a lot of tasks. But with a plan you’ve made I think it’ll be manageable. I want to learn more about harbour porpoises. They sound interesting. Good luck on your new venture. I can feel your excitement.

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Thank you :) Cool, then let's learn more about harbour porpoises together!

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Jun 23Liked by Fabienne Mannherz

SO excited for you! 👏

Also, well done on the detailed plan for the move.

We’re using Asana for my bf to move to Munich and lots of other life things happening over the coming months simultaneously, too. The thing is that he’s just not yet gotten into the habit of updating asana lol

btw if you have a tax consultant you can recommend, let me know! It’s so complicated to work / live in different countries 🤯

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That's super kind of you 🫠

Ah true, could have looked into Asana, too!

Our tax consultatn worked wonders with managing everything related to my studies abroad. However, then I was still fully registered in Germany, so we will have to see how much she will be able to help with this now. But I will let you know! 😀

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Jun 23Liked by Fabienne Mannherz

Love the AI image of you in Svalbard. Looking forward to following your move to Denmark 👏 very exciting x

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It’s really fun working with these images, a different kind of visual story telling!

Thanks so much, I am super excited ☺️

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Jun 23Liked by Fabienne Mannherz

Wow! This is a dream come to true be mentioned in your post 😍 And I'm in LOVE with molly 😫💕

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Hahaha, really enjoy our interactions here a lot! We all love Molly 🥰🫠🐾

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Jun 23Liked by Fabienne Mannherz

Mentioned in a Fabienne post?! I finally made it!!!!

The Denmark move sounds excited and so does the PHD candidacy! I didn’t know you had much going on while also finding time to write. Awesome tattoo as well.

Looks like you are currently killing it my beautiful German friend. Keep it up!!

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Welcome to the knighthood of Strandkorb philosophy! 🤪

Hahaha, I probably have way too much going on write now and need better structure around everything - especially as well going forward, the PhD candidacy is probably going to be slightly more than a full-time job.

Thanks, I actually had to go back to the post to see which of my tattoos was visible 😀Do you know the builiding in it?

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The comments on this post are so wholesome 😍🥹🧡 such an exciting new chapter Fabienne! And oh my gosh, love that Notion. Very very pleasing to the eye. I would start with something like that but then never follow up, so I kinda gave up trying 😂

You are killing it with the AI images!! A true natural!

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They surely are 🫠🥰

Well, I honestly think I would not use notion tasks or project for everyday things. I probably wouldn’t go through with it either. But for a bigger project like this, it feels manageable and so far it works 😂

I am so happy you love the AI images, it’s a fun and nice visual addition I think 😊

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